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参考范德堡大学教育学院下面开设中学教育硕士,全称Secondary Education (M.Ed.),它专攻你计划在1年或2年的课程中教授的领域,包括执照。加深你对教学主题的理解,专注于激发学生对主题的想法,并将学生的想法与主题联系起来,同时作为教学团队的一员与学校合作。
EDUC 6300 Advanced Social and Philosophical Aspects of Education
EDUC 6310 Classroom Ecology
English: 16-18 hours
ENED 6340/3340 Reading and Learning with Print and New Media or ENED 6330 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Adolescent Literacies
ENED 6350/3357 Adolescent Readers
ENED 6360/3357 Literature, Pop Culture, and New Media
ENED 6370/3370 Teaching Literature and Media to Adolescents
ENED 6380/3380 Teaching Writing and Media Composition
ENED 7973/4973 Seminar in Teaching Secondary English
Mathematics: 12 hours
MTED 6370/3370 Advanced Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Schools
MTED 6380/3360 Computers, Teaching, and Mathematical Visualization
MTED 7330/3320 Introduction to Mathematical Literacies
MTED 7973/4963 Seminar in Teaching Secondary Mathematics
Science: 12 hours
SCED 6370/3370 Advanced Teaching of Science in Secondary Schools
SCED 7330/3320 Introduction to Literacies in Science
SCED 7400/3400 Modeling in the Secondary Science Classroom
SCED 7973/4963 Seminar in Teaching Secondary Science
Social Studies: 12 hours
SSED 6240/3260 Human Geography
SSED 6370/3370 Advanced Teaching of Social Studies in Secondary Schools
SSED 7330/3320 Intro to Literacies in Social Studies
SSED 7973/4963 Seminar in Teaching Secondary Social Studies
参考:ENED/MTED/SCED/SSED 6371/3371 Practicum in Secondary Education III
EDUC 7972/4953 Internship in Teaching: Secondary
EDUC 6300/3620: Social and Philosophical Aspects of Education
EDUC 6310/3310: Classroom Ecology
EDUC 1220: School, Society, and Teacher
EDUC 3871: Practicum I
EDUC 3872: Practicum II
PSY-PC 2550" Adolescent Development
EDUC 7190/3280 Planning & Assessment Strategies for Teaching
ENED/MTED/SCED/SSED courses in other content areas
ENED Courses in Reading and Literacy
EDUC Courses focused on supporting English learners
EDUC Courses focusing in equity/diversity