时间:2024-02-21 11:41:54浏览:666
top1:Imperial College London
top2:University of Oxford
top3:University of Cambridge
top4:University College London
top5:London School of Economics and Political Science
top6:University of St Andrews
top7:University of Warwick
top8:University of Strathclyde
top9:King's College London
top10:University of Bath
top11:University of Sheffield
top12:University of Bristol
top13:Loughborough University
top14:University of Surrey
top15:University of Birmingham
top16:University of Glasgow
top17:Queen Mary, University of London
top18:University of Manchester
top19:Durham University
top19:University of Edinburgh
top21:University of Southampton
top22:University of Leeds
top22:St George's, University of London
top24:University of Aberdeen
top25:University of Liverpool
top26:University of Dundee
top27:University of Nottingham
top28:University of Exeter
top29:Lancaster University
top30:University of York
高技能工作 High-skilled jobs
权重15% 满分150
毕业后薪资 Graduate salaries
权重5% 满分50
教学质量 Teaching excellence
权重10% 满分100
学生支持 Student support
权重10% 满分100
学生体验 Student experience
权重5% 满分50
第一年完读率 First year completion
权重10% 满分100
一等学位和二等一学位比例 First & 2:1 degrees
权重10% 满分100
研究水平 Research quality
权重10% 满分100
研究收入 Research income
权重5% 满分50
师生比例 Student/staff ratio
权重5% 满分50
家庭第一代大学生比例 First generation students
权重10% 满分100
平均入学成绩 UCAS tariff points
权重5% 满分50